Monday, January 15, 2007

A new look (or not so much)

Well, you may not have noticed, but this blog now has a new-ish look. Blogger recently went to a new version, and in order to take advantage of some of the options available I needed to switch to this new version. Well, that meant losing any customization I had done to the blog. Not a big deal, but it means I'm going to have to put in a bit of work to get some of the stuff back (e.g., the counter which lets me know if anyone is reading my posts -- and I'm not willing to give this up since, if I went by comments, I'd have to believe that I have on average 2 people reading this blog in any given week.)

I've added, to the list of links, the urls for some of the blogs I read on a regular basis. So now when you visit here and are disappointed that I haven't put up a new blog entry you can just jot on over to one of my favourite blogs and read them instead. They are much better writers than I am, and have more interesting lives too. :-)

Tomorrow we have our six-month post-placement meeting with our social worker. One of the requirements of Chinese adoptions is post-placement reports to the CCAA six months and twelve months after the adoption. So we meet tomorrow with our social worker to talk about how it's going and how we're all adapting. Maybe our social worker will have some tips on how to get them to eat vegetables and sleep the whole night in their own beds. :-)

Thursday we have another appointment with our pediatrician for a check-up and to get a couple more shots. I thought that would be the end of the shots for awhile, but unfortunately they both still need three needles and they can only get two tomorrow. So that means we'll have to go back for another visit.

Then, finally, next week we have our third visit to the International Adoption Clinic at the local childrens' hospital. I'm looking forward to that one since we'll be talking to the doctors about their development. I know they are still somewhat behind but I'm anxious to get a sense of how much, and on how the docs feel they're progressing. DoT and I are happy with their development and don't have any real concerns, but I'd like to have their opinion.

So, that's it for now. I've already spent too much time on Blogger tonight -- it's going to be a short night given our "alarm clocks" seem to want to wake us at 6:00 a.m. these days. I'll leave you with a few pictures though. The first one is of A and E after a collision with their modes of transportation. The next two I took last night when DoT was reading them a story (which turned into 5 or 6 stories). I wonder what he said to them before I snapped the second picture... and how do I get them to pay that close of attention to me?


Anonymous said...

Great to see you guys are doing well. The girls look bigger and faster every week.

Hey Mr. Mom how's lunch time going :o))

Anonymous said...

It's been too long since I've seen them in person. We should plan a visit (during all that free time you and I have) :o)

K said...

Okay, all you anonymous people. If you want to comment as "anonymous" that's fine. But at least throw in a hint of who you are. :-)

I'm guessing anonymous #1 is someone E's dad works with, and anonymous #2, would love a visit regardless of who you are. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi K:

Love your blog. I enjoy reading about the girls' progress and regularly check to catch up on their latest feats. Checking your blog also prevents me from asking you too many questions at work about how the twins are doing. :-)

The girls have both changed SO much since they arrived last summer! The pictures and videos are a great way for your friends to follow their progress.

Thank you for keeping up the blog. I realize how much work it must be, given all the balls you are juggling at the moment.

Bonne semaine. -- EG