Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy St. Paddy's Day

On Tuesday of this week DoT was sick, sick, sick. So I took the day off work to look after the girls. In the afternoon, I took them to the mall to try to give DoT a couple of hours without shrieking - so he could get some sleep. When the girls started to get a little antsy and wanted out of their stroller seats, I bought them each hats thinking I could maybe buy myself 10 or 15 more minutes of peace. Well, the fun we've had with those hats ever since. They're the best $1.39-purchase I think I've ever made!


Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll help grant your wish for more comments...

Love the hats! Too cute. We forgot completely about Saint Paddy's day. This morning T said, "Mommy, when was St Patrick's day? Weren't we supposed to eat green food?" Oh, so she remembered. Hmmm, maybe we'll drink green milk tonight.

It was a bit of a rough morning, getting back to school after March break. During the break, I managed to keep roughly on schedule - if the time change hadn't happened. Which meant that we were an hour late with bedtimes and wake times with the time change factored in. Managed to get T to bed a bit earlier last night, but it was a challenge to get her out of bed before 7 this morning to catch the school bus. We just made it to the bus stop as the bus was pulling up. Whew.

And back to the grind for Mommy who took the week off. Now I need a day off just to do all the stuff I wasn't able to do while I had a week off - with a kid. :-)

Q (T's mom)

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures and the comments. Don't stop just because your not getting the messages. We are reading them and are enjoying them. Keep up the good work. meg

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog entries. I just don't often have anything particularly insightful to offer in the child-rearing department -- considering all of my first-hand experience you know! Must say that I think the hats are quite wonderful! And when the girls tire of putting them on their heads, they will double nicely as dishes for popcorn, breakfast cereal, or who knows what else.
With love to all of you,
Auntie 'Em