Friday, July 06, 2007

Daycare Done!

Today was the last day of daycare for a month so the girls will be spending some quality time with Mama, then grampa and gramma then the G clan at the cottage, then Dada, you get the idea. Our daycare lady gave us a CD with quite a few pictures on it which is great. We will get around to posting some of them soon. For now I couldn't resist posting this one, I smile every time I see it. We have already taught the girls that pots are only to be used as props and should never contain actual food...

Yesterday A said her first sentence "I want that" and pointed at a healthy nutritious carrot (OK so it was a timbit - would you waste your first sentence on a carrot?) After the elation passed I realized this might not be the best sentence to learn. By the time they turn 16 and get their drivers' licenses, I can see the shiny new red Mustang convertible in the driveway after the umpteenth practice of "I want that". In case you think they will have me wrapped around their collective fingers you are wrong - I am sure they will have asked for a Porsche (Mommy has expensive taste) so they will have learned to compromise. I am all about teaching life lessons...

E has turned into a real helper around the house. As you can see below, she is helping to distribute the food she drops on the floor around her chair more evenly around the kitchen.

A doesn't have time to be domestic, she is all about the snazzy footware...

Below the girls relax with their new best friends - Pandas from uncle P.


Diana said...

Funny, your daycare is done, and ours is just beginning for the first time since we received S + A.

Anonymous said...

Tee hee,,l love the first picture. So cute. I guess they can't stand in there anymore without hitting their heads!

Don't forget to post before and after pics of the haircuts you've been talking about!

MJ :o)