Monday, August 17, 2009

My, how time flies

So, after being told to expect to have the tonsil surgeries in two months, we are now scheduled for this Thursday. The hospital called last Friday, but we were unsure until today as to whether or not the surgeries would go ahead, since E had ibuprofen last week. We had previously been told no ibuprofen for two weeks before the surgery, but apparently it's not that big of a deal, since the surgeries are going ahead.

So, this Thursday, E and A will both have their tonsils and possibly adenoids removed. And then we somehow survive the following two weeks, after which life becomes perfect bliss. Or at least it feels that way after the previous two weeks with two four-year-olds in pain, and the previous three plus years of having someone in the household with a fever every 2 to 3 weeks. Or that's the plan. :-)

Prayers, crossed-fingers, good vibes (or whatever else might be your particular approach) are much appreciated.


1 comment:

Playful Platypus said...

All the best! Hope all goes well and the little tykes recover quickly. And that fevers, illnesses, etc rapidly and permanently decline in frequency.