Friday, May 07, 2010

This is a test

A blog I read (Salsa in China) put me on to Windows Live Writer, as an easy way to write a blog post and put up pictures.  So I thought I’d try it out.  So, if you’re seeing this post, then I guess it worked.

And what better way to test if I can post pictures from here, than to put up another Mexico picture.  (It seems like years ago.)  Actually it’s a series of three pictures from when, on the last night there, I tried to get a picture of the three kids on the bridge over the pool (that we had to cross several times, each and every time we walked past it).

Attempt #1:
Notice what happens as soon as I grabbed A’s arms to try to get them down for the pic?  Her sister took right up in her place…
Attempt #2:
And then this….
Attempt #3:
At which point we gave up.