Sunday, November 18, 2012

Fall 2012 Update

Once again, a lot has happened since I last updated this blog.  I really do have good intentions about updating more often, they just don’t seem to translate into action.  Maybe it will make a good New Year’s resolution.
Here’s what we’ve been up to since my last post…
My parents’ anniversary/my father’s birthday dinner:
Fall 2012 003
B was just out of the shot on this one.  I had another pic with him in it, but then all you see is his head…
Fall 2012 002
DoT’s birthday:
Fall 2012 047
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(FYI:  E is a leopard (?), A is a vampire, and B (obviously) is Super Mario.)
When I asked them to pick their favourite treat when they came back from trick-or-treating, this is what they all chose…  (Although, after a few sips, none of them wanted any more.)
Fall 2012 077
And finally, “helping” with the yard clean-up to get ready for winter…
Fall 2012 085
School is in full swing now.  They are all doing okay, although following parent-teacher interviews last week it sounds like E and A need to be separated in class, or they can get a little out of hand.  Why doesn’t that surprise me?  B is thriving in the French-immersion program.  He loves learning French words and is always asking us how to say something in French or reporting new words to us when he learns them.
All three are also taking piano lessons, swimming lessons and skating lessons this fall.  It keeps us really busy.  They love, love, love the skating lessons; and it is quite fun to watch them on the ice.  We bought B new skates this week, and that set him back a bit since they were different than the ones he’d been used to.  But, unlike softball in the summer, with skating he seems quite happy to just keep getting up and trying again.  Good thing, since the lessons go until March.  So if he didn’t like skating it would make for a long winter. 
We’re all getting excited about Christmas coming.  Today we saw Santa at the mall for the first time.  When Santa asked them what they wanted to Christmas, A & E said an iPod, and B said “a marble”.  Heh.  Last year, B wanted a nutcracker.  He is the easiest kid ever to buy for.  Smile

Saturday, September 08, 2012

First days of school 2012

The girls had their first day of school on Tuesday of this week.

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B’s first day was on Thursday.

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They all pronounced school as ‘great’.  And, so far, no homework!  Yeah. 

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Saturday, September 01, 2012

2012 Summer Vacation Part II

In early August we spent one week visiting DoT’s family in New Brunswick.  We had beautiful weather the whole time (unlike last year), and we loved it.  DoT’s parents live by a river, so the kids spent some time in it.  The water level was quite low, so it was good for them to goof around in, build stone piles, and throw stones, etc.

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We also spent some quality time with family…

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New Brunswick 2012 and school pics 067


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer Vacation 2012

We spent the last two weeks in southern Ontario.  The first week we returned to the same cottage in Grand Bend that my family has rented for many years.  It was great to spend a relaxing week with my extended family.  The weather was hot, hot, hot, so it was nice to be in an air conditioned cottage so close to the beach.  I have a tonne of great pictures of the kids from that week but have whittled it down to a few for this blog.  Most of my pictures were taken at the beach, and I just realized looking at them now that I don’t have a single picture from our campfires.  Campfires are a highlight for the kids, and we had one every night of the week, so you’d think I’d have gotten at least one picture of that. 

July 2012 002

July 2012 005

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July 2012 049

The kids really enjoyed spending time with their older cousins, and we’re missing everyone now that we’re back to reality.

The second part of our vacation was spent in Toronto at Centreville (on Centre Island) and the Toronto Zoo.  The third day we were there we had planned to go the Science Centre, but we were just too tired and so spent our last day at the hotel taking advantage of the hotel pool and hot tub. 


July 2012 115

July 2012 109

July 2012 216

Toronto Zoo:

July 2012 160

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During our holidays we all got into the habit of staying up late and sleeping in in the mornings.  So now, of course, we’re paying for it this week.  We’re all a bit tired and cranky and sorry that holidays are over - for now at least.  Tonight, when something wasn’t going A’s way, she announced that “today is the worst day ever”.  DoT and I got a kick out of that.  She was nonplussed.   Smile

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Happy 7th Birthday!

The girls turned 7 years old today.  Wow - 7.  It's hard to believe.

One of them looked in the mirror this morning and stated, in a disappointed tone, that she didn't look any different.  :-)  I, on the other hand, think I see changes every day.  They're growing up way too fast. 

When she went to bed tonight, A said that she wished when she wakes up tomorrow morning that she would be 8.  I want to hit the pause button and keep them all at this age for awhile. 

Monday, June 04, 2012


Well. That was quite the long blogging break, wasn't it? Bet you thought I'd given up on this blog. Well, what started off as a bit of a break became a lot longer break when our computer died. But we have a new computer! So, it's time to try to get caught up. Here it is, (the highlights of) the last six months, in pictures...
Winter fun:
Our first (and hopefully last) visit by The Lice Squad:
A trip to the Maple Sugar Bush:

Spring hiking:
We saw lots of great wildlife...

All the little critters were great fun until we came across this....

... after which point we ended up carrying the girls.  :-)

B's 5th birthday (5th!!!):
DoT and I have been doing a lot of gardening this spring.  This is how the kids "help":

Our annual trip to the Mennonite Relief Sale:

...which included a chance to visit extended family...
Finally, this weekend, the girls participated in the OMC "Fine Arts Night" by performing their piano recital pieces (a good warm up for their recital coming up in two weeks).  They had a blast:

That's it.  You're somewhat up-to-date.  Hopefully our computer and camera woes are done and I'll be able to update this blog more regularly in the coming months.