Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Happy 7th Birthday!

The girls turned 7 years old today.  Wow - 7.  It's hard to believe.

One of them looked in the mirror this morning and stated, in a disappointed tone, that she didn't look any different.  :-)  I, on the other hand, think I see changes every day.  They're growing up way too fast. 

When she went to bed tonight, A said that she wished when she wakes up tomorrow morning that she would be 8.  I want to hit the pause button and keep them all at this age for awhile. 

Monday, June 04, 2012


Well. That was quite the long blogging break, wasn't it? Bet you thought I'd given up on this blog. Well, what started off as a bit of a break became a lot longer break when our computer died. But we have a new computer! So, it's time to try to get caught up. Here it is, (the highlights of) the last six months, in pictures...
Winter fun:
Our first (and hopefully last) visit by The Lice Squad:
A trip to the Maple Sugar Bush:

Spring hiking:
We saw lots of great wildlife...

All the little critters were great fun until we came across this....

... after which point we ended up carrying the girls.  :-)

B's 5th birthday (5th!!!):
DoT and I have been doing a lot of gardening this spring.  This is how the kids "help":

Our annual trip to the Mennonite Relief Sale:

...which included a chance to visit extended family...
Finally, this weekend, the girls participated in the OMC "Fine Arts Night" by performing their piano recital pieces (a good warm up for their recital coming up in two weeks).  They had a blast:

That's it.  You're somewhat up-to-date.  Hopefully our computer and camera woes are done and I'll be able to update this blog more regularly in the coming months.