Monday, October 31, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Finally, an update
Hi all,
So, first things first… I neglected to put up a picture of the kids on their first day of school. Here it is…
And here is a picture of A with her glasses. (E ended up not needing glasses after all.) I was going to take a better picture, but then decided that the fingerprint on her glasses in this picture really does accurately capture her. :-)
Friday, September 16, 2011
A few new things…
1. Both girls will be getting glasses. A very soon (we’ve ordered her some) and E hopefully soon but it will depend on how long it takes until we can convince her that she won’t die if the eye doctor puts drops in her eyes. :-) We were at the eye doctor today and the doc thinks it would be good for them both to have glasses now that they are in grade 1. Last year, their eyes weren’t perfect, but really what do you learn in kindergarten anyhow. So we decided to give it a year and see what happened. :-)
2. We are going to Disneyworld again in October. DoT has another conference there and my friend Cathy convinced me to look into whether or not we could get cheap flights. (Thanks, Cathy!) Tonight I booked flights for the kids and I to go the same days DoT goes. Now I just need to hope and pray that when DoT’s work books his flights, he ends up on the same flights as we have. Because otherwise, I’m doomed. We leave early in the morning and have to transfer planes in either Newark or Philadelphia (I can’t remember which). Me with three kids and all our luggage hustling from one plane to another is not going to go well if I’m on my own.
3. School has started and everyone seems to be settling in fine. B started all-day jr. kindergarten this year, and seems to love it. Although he’s only been to school 6 days and has come home wearing his back-up pants twice. I really think the problem is that he is just having so much fun he doesn’t want to be bothered with going to the bathroom. And he doesn’t seem to be bothered by the fact that he’s peed his pants at school. So, I’m not sure what to do about it. Every time he comes home after an accident I’ve talked to him and he has solemnly promised that from now on he’ll go to the bathroom when he needs to pee. But, alas, the follow-through seems to be lacking. The girls started off in separate classes again this year, but I decided my sanity was more important than their unique, individual personalities, and requested to have them moved into the same class. So now they are together in a grade 1 class (A was previously in a grade 1/2 split class), and both seem to like that.
So, that’s the updates for now. No pictures tonight, but I promise, as soon as A’s glasses arrive (we’re told it should only be a few days), I’ll put up a pic of her sporting her new look. (Not a big surprise, I’m sure, but she chose the pink glasses… even though I had her try on almost all the others first.)
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Summer vacations – parts 1 through 5
Part 1 – Toronto – Centreville:
Part 2 – Toronto – Zoo
Part 3 – Grand Bend
Cherry picking…
Part 4 – New Brunswick
Part 5 – Newfoundland
I have tonnes more pictures of Newfoundland but I know you’re all really just interested in the pictures with the kids in them. But believe me when I say, Newfoundland is GORGEOUS!
A big shout-out ‘thanks’ goes to Teagan, Zoey, Sonya, and Paul who hosted us and made our visit so much fun. We can’t wait to come back!
Friday, July 01, 2011
Happy 6th birthday!
Photo courtesy our fabulous caregiver, Heather.
P.S. We have had no end of computer problems. We had to take into the shop for repair, and while it is now working, it came home with everything wiped from the hard drive. And I can't seem to download Windows Live Writer again -- it wants me to create a new account for this blog, but then won't let me (probably because this blog is already linked to my existing account!) If anyone has a solution for me, let me know. I miss Live Writer.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Time flies…
So, once again a lot of time has passed between updates. I have serious doubts that anyone is even reading this blog anymore. Let me know if you see this post, because if no one is reading anymore, I’m going to shut it down.
So, what’s new since the last update?
1. A visit to the sugar shack.
In early April we visited a sugar shack not far from Ottawa. We didn’t have a lot of time, and I would have liked to have spent a bit longer there, but we did manage to fit in the main things…
A ride on a horse-drawn carriage…
Saying ‘thank-you’ to the horses afterwards…
A visit with the farm mascot…
And the petting zoo….
2. New Hair Cuts…
3. Easter (and egg hunting)…
4. B’s 4th birthday!
5. Spring arrived…
And the kids are enjoying flip flop weather, and playing outside..
6. Mennonite Relief Sale.
And finally, this weekend, we headed to New Hamburg for the annual Mennonite Relief Sale where we ran into old friends and ate lots of yummy food.
It didn’t rain, but it was overcast and threatening rain much of the day; so we put the kids in their rain suits. I must have been asked at least a dozen times in the span of a couple of hours where we got the suits. Everyone wanted one..
Okay, that’s it for now. We are heading into a busy summer season. My work is very busy, and I have a lot to get done over the summer, but we are still planning a few trips. We want to get to the Toronto Zoo and Centre Island again this year. We’re also heading to Newfoundland for a reunion of our China travel group from when we adopted the girls (we didn’t travel with a group when we got B), and hope to get to New Brunswick at some point. We’re all also anxiously looking forward to our week at the cottage with my family. I’ll try to find time to update this blog though throughout the summer, at least with some pictures.
Have a great spring!