Sunday, February 25, 2007

Fun in the snow

We just got back from 5 wonderful days in southern Ontario. My brother, who lives in Beijing, was home for a few days so we took the opportunity to re-connect with him and set out last Tuesday evening for the trek to my parents place. The trip down was okay, the girls slept most of the way, but they did wake up every hour or so. But now that we have the van it was easy to get back to them, and they went back to sleep pretty quickly. And when we arrived at my parents place at about 2 a.m. we had no trouble getting them back to sleep. Today we drove back during the day and I expected it to be a horrible trip, but it went surprisingly well. The girls were content most of the drive, although we did have to stop more frequently than we did in our pre-kids days.

When we went to southern Ontario DoT packed the two-seater sled we now own thanks to our wonderful friends (M&M). And the weather in Shakespeare was warm enough to get out with them. Up until now the only winter weather the girls had experienced was the little bit they got going from the vehicle to the house, mall, grocery store, whatever, and back again. Now they've spent some time in the sled, and a bit of time in the snow when DoT tipped the sled a couple of times. They seemed to like it quite a bit. DoT is going to try to get them out a few more times before the snow melts (which incidentally the lady at the local pizza place told me was going to be soon -- she says spring is going to arrive by March 15th. I doubt she's right, but I hope she is!).

One final picture I'm putting on the blog shows A with her fangs showing. :-) Those of you who know my secret love of BTVS will appreciate this one.

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