Thursday, July 12, 2007

Summer Holidays

Here are a summary of the daycare photos we received, we were happy to get such an unexpected gift. The crowns were for their second birthday. Dad has survived 2 days at home with the girls this week (lots of time at the park - especially on the swings) so things are looking up for the longer home stays in August. We are going to try some water play in the back yard this afternoon (they like playing in the cat dish so much, you know it will be a hit). Bye for now.


Anonymous said...

Super,super pictures. I can hardly wait to see them. (and you guys too) MEG.

MC said...

I think I better go lay down, I've just experienced cuteness overdose :)

Hope you're enjoying the family-time with the girls. Hopefully the weather will decide to cooperate one of these days!

Anytime you feel like posting more pictures, it's fine with us ;)