I should have known better. I used to know better. There was a time when I never would have pronounced us to be 'out of the water' or 'past the worst of it' or anything remotely like that, which would have required fate, or the cosmos, or whatever, to decide to knock that stool out from under us and put me 'back in my place'. But obviously, I forgot that lesson somewhere along the line. "Surfacing from sick week"... what was I thinking?
So, less than 12 hours after posting that blog entry, we were back to being a sick house. E's flu which had been gone (so we thought) for two days, was back. It only lasted a bit more than 24 more hours and, if I hadn't learned anything from the retribution to my last post, I would say that she's healthy now. But I'm not making that mistake again.
Of course, as soon as E's flu symptoms went away, A started with a fever. Great. So, that means that I'm running on very little sleep since then, since I'm up constantly through the night checking her temperature and, whenever it is high, spending hours with a damp cloth on her head trying to bring her temperature down. We were successful with that and the alternating Advil/Tylenol cocktails... for about a day. And then, yup, she had another seizure - yesterday afternoon. It was a mild one, or so our caregiver tells me. It happened at the daycare, and of course by the time DoT and I got there, it was long over. On the one hand, it's good it happened at the daycare, since I didn't see it, and I'm definitely less freaked out this time than I was the last time. (Although still a bit freaked out.) But, on the other hand, our caregiver assures us that this time she didn't stop breathing and so it might have been good if I had seen it, so I could quit worrying about the not breathing part. Anyhow, she hasn't had any fever medication for about 6 hours now and seems fine, so hopefully we're done with this fever and we're good to go for about another six weeks. Of course, I would never say that we're over it, or even suggest that I was thinking we're over it... at least not without knocking on every piece of wood furniture in our house. :-)
The playhouse that was ordered at the baby shower I went to last weekend has arrived and is being delivered to us (by our lovely friends who hosted the shower) tonight. Hopefully DoT and I will be able to put it together tomorrow. I'm sure all the kids will be anxious to have it set up, so we'll see what we can do. Neither one of us is the handiest though, so we may need to wait until Grandpa G comes for his next visit. :-)
Sorry, no pictures with this blog entry. Maybe if we get the playhouse set up soon we'll put a picture of that on the blog.
Also, for anyone who would like to have pictures from us that they can download and print (yes, I'm thinking of you, Cheryl M), send me an email and I'll add you to the list of people who can access our Flickr photos. We're starting to upload pics to Flickr (but we're not going back in time, so don't even bother sending us a request for a pic you saw in the past) so others can access them too. But I'm far too paranoid to make our Flickr account open to just anyone, so it's by invitation only. Send me a note and I'll add you.
That's it for now. Have a great weekend everyone!