Here are the photos I tried to put on the last blog update. Just a couple of shots of the girls. The first one is DoT and A, and the second is DoT and E.
Quite awhile ago a friend (Auntie Em) asked us to talk a bit about what the girls do like. (I guess I've been spending most of my blog time talking about what they don't like.) So, here's a short list...
E's favourite things:
- Baby Mum Mums
- fruit (of any kind) and yogurt
- a stuffed doll of a Teletubby (a hand-me-down from my nephews)
- a toy Pooh radio that plays a few different selections
- standing -- it's hard to keep this kid down. She just doesn't like to sit.
- toys that make noise
- and a little multi-coloured ball that was originally Abby's (our cats)
A's favourite things:
- Baby Mum Mums
- music -- favourite song seems to be B-I-N-G-O
- fruit (of any kind) and yogurt
- boucing in her exer-saucer (sometimes)
- toys -- especially musical toys
- bath time
- rolling around
- and the same little multi-coloured ball that was originally Abby's (luckily we have two)
As for other favourites -- well, I'm pretty sure their favourite colours are red and blue -- definitely not pink. :-) They are both also pretty excited about Canada's universal health care system, as evidenced by this picture to the left. (Yes, they received their health cards in the mail late last week. Their Permanent Resident cards and SIN cards should be coming any time now.)
That's it for now. Stay cool everyone, K.
Hi k&C&E&A,
We love hearing what you have to say as well as hearing about the girls. Since we live so far away it's a great way to keep updated.It's nice to hear your views too. I get C's views when he calls. Men and womem have different views so it's nice hearing both views.I can relate to your views
being a mother of three.Can't wait to see you all.
Love to all, C's Mom
I love to read anything you write, and, of course, especially about your experiences with these two little gifts to you guys. I check it regularly to get a peak at life in your house. I look forward to someday meeting your little charmers.
Hugs packed full of energy for you both....
I love your blog entries -- especially when they include pictures of the girls. What a wonderful picture of E with the big smile on her face! It makes me smile when I look at the pictures. Have introduced some of my female co-workers to A&E. Most of them have tears in their eyes when I tell them the story and show them the pictures on the blog. Y'all have a bigger following than you know! So you can't give up the blog now!
BTW: Any further thoughts on whether the girls are identical?
Auntie 'Em
Auntie 'Em -- nice to hear people are enjoying the blog. Re: whether or not they are identical -- I don't think they are, but that's just me. Other people do have some trouble telling them apart, so who knows. When we were at the International Adoption Clinic I relayed the story of my brother-in-law who offered to test their DNA, and Dr. Hui said if we wanted to they would test them. But I didn't figure it's worth it. We'll know when they get a bit older, I guess.
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