Wednesday, August 16, 2006

A week full of doctors

So this week we have been spending a lot of time in doctors' offices. DoT and I both had our 'annual' (okay so we're not actually that regular) physicals this week. Although I still have blood work to get done. My appointment was for 8 a.m., and usually I just go straight to the blood lab after the appointment (it's in the same building). But I made the mistake of having breakfast that morning. I wasn't really hungry, and didn't really want to eat, but every other time I've given blood they've asked me if I've eaten anything and don't want to take blood if I haven't. So, I ate. Well, this year my doctor's decided to include a cholesterol test in the blood work, which means I need to fast for 12 hours before giving the blood sample. So I was thwarted. I'll probably go in first thing tomorrow morning. [By the way, mom, my blood pressure is "perfect" - and that's a quote. Pretty amazing given the recent stress in our lives, eh? Apparently it is only your blood pressure machine that stresses me out. :-) ]

E and A have a "meet and greet" appointment at a pediatrician on Friday (yes, we've been lucky enough to find one who is taking patients). However, I had E in to the pediatrician yesterday. She's had a fever for a couple of days, and it seemed to be getting worse (don't worry, it's nothing serious, and is practically gone today). So I gave the pediatrician's office a call around noon and they got her in later in the day. Dr. Chan (the pediatrician) is very nice, and I'm really thankful he's agreed to add the girls to his client list.

Next week we go back to CHEO for our second visit to the International Adoption Clinic.

Who knows, after all this visiting of doctors, maybe the girls will reach a point when they don't automatically scream when they're in a doctor's office. :-)

1 comment:

jag said...

And yet... you have time to write AND mail personalized Thank You cards?! I think I'll be calling you SUPER-K from now on... :-)

Blessings to you all,