The week before last, we drove to New Brunswick for the 40th anniversary celebration of DoT's parents. We spread the trip over two days in each direction (two days to get there, and two days back), and it went surprisingly well. The girls are now totally addicted to the Doodlebops, but it was worth it. Deedee, Rooney and Moe got us through about 6 hours of driving every day.
The 40th anniversary celebration was great. It was very laid back (which is good when you have two-year olds) and was an opportunity to see the whole family, without the typical running around to do it. And it was so nice to catch up with everyone again. Unfortunately, although we took our camera along, we discovered when we arrived at the party that the batteries were dead. So we didn't get any pictures. So, if anyone reading this blog has digital pictures they can email to us, we'd really appreciate it. (And it's not really pictures of the girls we're looking for -- although I know there were plenty taken -- it's pictures of everyone else!)
Last week DoT and I put together a list of all the words the girls can say. Their speech has really started to come around, and I was curious as to how many words they say. Well, the list totals 104. Now, not all of them are perfectly clear, and it may only be DoT and I who know what they're saying some of the time, but they are definitely picking up words quickly. And starting to form simple sentences like "Don't pull rope" (from the Doodlebops), "No, my toy!", and "I don't know." It's pretty cool. I am definitely liking that they are now much more able to tell us what they want.
Well, I don't really have anything else to report. I'll leave you with a couple of pictures though, taken over the last couple of days.
(Picture 1 = A modelling mommy's shoes; Picture 2 = Both girls having fun in their "new" tent (a bargain picked up at a garage sale))
Enjoy the rest of your summer, everyone!
Know whatcha mean about the end of summer... I've been back at work for 2 1/2 weeks, though Giggles is still in summer mode, so it doesn't quite feel "final" yet. But we did some back-to-school shopping last Saturday, and in just 2.5 more weeks she'll be off to Grade 2 - and my folks will be back in Edmonton, so it'll be a lot busier for me...
On the other hand, I'm actually at work for only about 2 more months, and then "off" for almost a year... though I don't know if it's really "off" when you've got 2 kids in the house, one of whom is just getting used to a new life in a wierd new place...
I think we're the ones now who are "still waiting" - for blog updates, that is...!
Q (T's mom)
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