Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tiger Wrestling

Not much new from yesterday, we are soon heading out to CHEO for B's appointment so I have packed as many small and (hopefully) distracting toys as I can into the diaper bag. The snacks have also been loaded up. Here are a few pictures from the last week...

I can't find Abby to chase, so you will have to do Mr. Tiger. Don't get cocky, I'll win this fight yet.

E hides in bed...

B in the middle of the action.

Whew, that tiger put up more of a fight than I thought he would...

Dad you missed a spot over here.

K and the girls watching "Ladybug Picnic" from Sesame Street. They especially like the part where the ladybugs sit around telling knock-knock jokes.

I need my shades on to play with this bus!

You know it's cold in Ottawa when the penguins have to wear snowsuits.

Jumping on the bed...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like B has his work cut out for him chasing after his sisters. Has he been playing the harmonica since the last blog! Trust the blood work went well.