Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We are so ready for spring

Ugh.  I've had enough.  Bring on spring. 

It seems to me we always have a nice thaw during Winterlude here in Ottawa, so I'm thinking the spring-like weather will soon be on its way.  It can't arrive soon enough for me.  I have had it with winter coats, boots, hats, scarves, mitts, snow, ice, sleet, etc., etc.  I think we need to move to Victoria.  Or maybe Turks and Caicos.

In other news, we apparently now have a sixth family member ... every time E draws a picture of the family there are now the regular five of us, plus a big guy in the middle who is "Yo Gabba Gabba" (a really irritating Treehouse character).  I find it quite entertaining now to see the art work of A and E.  It seems like all of a sudden they went from just scribbling to now having real pictures.  Sure our heads may be joined directly to our legs.  But usually DoT and I are depicted wearing glasses, so we can always tell who is who.  :-)

Well, seems it is official, the girls have left their fevers behind.  Apparently it is quite unusual for siblings to have PFAPA syndrome, so their doctor at the Children's Hospital is going to write them up as a case study.  I'll let you all know when that's published because I'm sure you'll want to rush out and purchase a medical journal to read all about it. 

In unrelated medical news, we're thinking we're going to have to have B tested for whatever it is when people have problems due to low sugar.  (If I wasn't so tired, I'd Google it and find the proper name for that).  We've finally clued in to the fact that B's major meltdowns happen right before a meal.  We figured it was just that he was hungry, and therefore cranky.  But really calling him cranky when he's in the middle of these episodes is like saying a severed arm is uncomfortable.  Technically true, but a gross understatement.  The other day B worked himself into such a state he couldn't control himself.  He ended up in his crib for over a hour and we only managed to get him over his fit by shoving a raspberry into his mouth and covering his mouth with a hand until he finally swallowed.  Once he'd had a bite, he calmed down and was willing to eat, and then was his normal happy self.  So now when we get him up in the morning we greet him with a sippy cup of orange juice.  I wonder if he's just playing us... wouldn't we all like to be greeted with breakfast in bed every day?

Finally, I now have an excuse to break my New Year's resolution.  These weekly updates may prove more challenging now that I have two more people to compete with for access to the laptop.  The girls have discovered Starfall.com (thanks for the heads-up, Jan).

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