Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Okay. So I've actually started a blog. I've been thinking about doing this for a long time -- ever since we started anticipating travelling to China; which as most of you know has been delayed, and delayed, and delayed yet again. Anyhow, it looks like it might be getting closer now. Close enough, at least, that it now seems like a real possibility. And so - this blog.

I'm hoping to be able to update the blog from China, so it will be a way to keep family and friends up-to-date with what's happening, without spending hours and big piles of money on middle-of-the-night phone calls. Plus, if I can figure out how, I'll post pictures.

I probably won't post a lot until we get our referral (for those of you not in the international adoption process, that's the point where we are matched with a child and get some basic information about name, age, location, etc.) And then after we get E*, I'm told I won't have time to do anything else at all. So, this blog could be short-lived. We'll see.

Feel free to post comments. I'd love to hear from you.

* I've been warned often enough to be a bit uncomfortable about using real names on the Internet. So, for now adopted daughter will be "E". Shall we start a pool on her real name? It could help off-set adoption and travel costs. :-)

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