Monday, November 13, 2006

Another little video

DoT took this video this morning. Nothing too exciting about it, but now that it's so easy for me to upload videos, I'm kinda into it. :-)

I'm also showing the long-promised picture of the sweaters that have been knit for A and E. Friends from my monthly craft group knit these.

And, finally, here's a shot of E wearing one of the sweaters. So far, it's the only one of the sweaters that fits either twin. The rest are still a bit big, but will probably fit sometime this winter. This one is even a bit big on E -- I probably should have put A in it, she might fill it out a bit better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi K:

Great to see the videos. I love the one of A and E walking...

By the way, congrats on the E in french (we knew you could do it).