Monday, December 04, 2006

A million things to do...

and one week to do them in.

When I started my parental leave there were a bunch of things I thought I could get done before going back to work. And since I've been off there are a bunch of other things that have come up that need doing, and I thought, "yeah, sure, before I go back to work". So, now here I am, one week away from returning to work. And the things on my "To Do" list for this week are:

1. finish Christmas shopping
2. wrap all gifts
3. put up Christmas tree and all other decorations
4. empty out the garage so we can fit two cars into it (this means moving a bed, strollers, tires, etc. to the basement)
5. clean up and organize the office
6. move one of the cribs into the guest bedroom
7. finally put the buttons on a sweater I knit about 9 months ago
8. visit the refugee family we used to 'help out' with (poor kids - as far as they know, we just disappeared off the face of the earth sometime around a year ago)
9. write out Christmas cards (NOTE to anyone who will be receiving one of these cards... don't expect any witty or polite banter in the cards... count yourself lucky that our names are on the inside of the card.)
10. all the other weekly to-do stuff like groceries, laundry, dishes, etc.

And this list doesn't include all the things that I know I should be doing, but realistically there is just no way it's going to happen... like cutting down perennials, raking leaves, etc.

So, who thinks I'm going to get all the things on this list done this week? Yeah, probably not.

I am trying to catch, on video, the girls trying to stand on their own. But so far I haven't got any good clips. If I do get a good shot, I'll put it on the blog this week. But for now, I'll just leave you with a couple of pictures...

The first is of E having a bit of a 'bad hair day'.
And this one is of A.

That's it for today.


Anonymous said...

Unbelievable how much the girls have changed just since I last saw them a couple of weeks ago. And is it my imagination, or are they looking more alike everyday?! Love the pink outfit, K! You should cave in more often because it is darling. To your "To Do" list, you need to add annual christmas dinner with Auntie 'Em and lb. Sorry I have not been in touch to tee this up - my Mom has been here visiting for a bit. Perhaps we will have to settle for a post-christmas dinner this year? Hugs to all of you.

Auntie 'Em

Anonymous said...

Hey K --

Don't stress...anything that doesn't get done this week can get done by C next week!!

...sorry C...!


Anonymous said...

Hi K:

I cannot believe that we will have you back in the office next week. The time sure has gone quickly.

Your comment about the girls throwing things on the floor made me laugh because we go through the same time with D. He purposely throws utensils, food, bowls, well acutally everything and then instantly whines to have it back. And of course, once he has it back, it instantly goes back onto the floor. I usually play for a while because his whining gets on my nerves much more than having to bend over and pick something up.

I, like you, have a million things still to do before Christmas.... glad to see I am not the only one that hasn't done the tree yet.

Look forward to seeing you next week.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, no tree at our house yet either! You're not alone there.
Aren't you going away for xmas? Just skip the tree! Those are the rules aren't they? :o)

Can't believe you're back already. Make sure you prepare a few responses to the old "are you glad to be back at work" question and my personal favorite "how did you enjoy your time OFF". Because, you have of course, been on vacation for the last 5 months and have had all this free time on your hands :o)


Anonymous said...

Hi! You mean there are people who put their tree up before the middle of December?! That's just not you'll be telling me that some (rigid, controlling, over-organized) people start their shopping before December...

As for throwing stuff (food, dishes, utensils, toys, etc.) on the ground from their high chair, we used to refer to this as "parent bobbing". I am convinced that the whole goal was to see how many times they could make the parent bend and pick up - they probably have competitions to see which parent is more amenable to their game. Have you noticed that the whole ritual often makes them laugh!?

Sounds like getting back to work will be a nice rest! Let's all go for lunch soon -
