Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A rainy day update...

Hi, all. It's pouring buckets here today and A, E and I got quite wet in our brief jaunt out this morning. (I try to get out with them at least once a day... today we ran errands.) I need to find a couple of raincoats for them. And I could use one too!

So, as you'll have noticed, I'm not updating the blog as often as I used to. Believe it or not, I do feel guilty about not updating more often. Just not guilty enough to get me to sit down in front of the computer and update the blog. Especially now that DoT is back to work full time. During the week I don't seem to have a minute of time to do anything. I guess I could update the blog when they nap, but generally then I'm busy cleaning up, trying to get something started for supper, or checking my emails. And often it is all three.

Sleeping has improved for all of us. There have now been a handful of times when both girls have slept through the night (including last night, yeah!). And when they don't sleep right through the night, usually only one of them is up once and often only for a few minutes. They are now down to only one nap. I find that they go to sleep better with only one nap, which happens around mid-day. The crying in their cribs at naptime and bedtime has improved too. Generally it is only 5 to 10 minutes of crying, max. So that's good. And it is bothering me less, and that's a good thing too. The problem I'm encountering now is that E has learned how to pull herself up. So, after about 5 minutes of crying I go into the room and usually find her standing up in her crib. Kind of hard to sleep when you're standing up. :-) If I stand next to her, though, she'll stay laying down and is usually asleep within about 5 minutes.

So when I went to the play group with the other Children's Bridge families a few weeks ago, I forgot my camera. But lucky for you, the other moms in the group have better memories than I do, and they graciously sent me photos. Here's a shot of the three other babies that were at our get-together.

Aren't they cuties! Notice the full, thick heads of hair. A and E are still working on that. :-)

We've also started attending a Chinese Mother Goose playgroup. It's pretty good. I'm mostly going to it so that the girls continue to hear mandarin occasionally. It's a lot of work for one person with two children. So far, one of the leaders has taken one of the girls each week, which has helped. I think I'm going to try to get someone to come with me though, so I will always have a one-to-one baby-to-adult ratio. A friend of mine has already said she may be willing, so hopefully that will work out.

Finally, I'm joining two other playgroups, too. One is a playgroup in Ottawa of parents with Chinese adopted babies. My first get-together with this group will be next week. My two girls will be the youngest of the group, but I think it will still be good for them. I'll let you know how that goes. The other playgroup is at our church, so I already know the moms and tots. That should be fun.

So, I guess you're all now thinking that all I do is play. Well, you go ahead and believe that. It makes you more likely to want to babysit.

This weekend we headed down to southern Ontario for our first real trip away from home since we got the girls. We drove there and back at times when we thought the girls would just sleep the whole way. We should have known better. They did sleep most of the time, but they woke up a lot more than I would have expected. I guess not being able to move in the carseats makes it a bit uncomfortable after awhile. Anyhow, it was a great weekend, and we had a chance to see family and friends, and we ate like kings (and queens). Big turkey dinners two days in a row. Saturday was the Gerber family Christmas dinner with all my dad's extended family. And then Sunday, mom did up a big Thanksgiving dinner and my whole family was there. Once again the nephews did a marvelous job of entertaining the girls, and E's dad and I appreciated having a bit of a break.

Well, gotta go. The girls just woke up from their naps and they are not going to be patient too much longer.

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