Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Two posts in one day!

Wow, who'd have thought it possible. :-)

Anyhow, just wanted to ask for any suggestions anyone might have on keeping shoes and socks on kids' feet. I must put socks back on the girls (especially A) at least 20 times a day. And we've come really close to losing shoes a whole bunch of times. (I'm just about to head out to the mall where one of our shoes has turned up in the lost and found. Kudos to Bayshore for contacting me so quickly. We just lost it yesterday.) I'm thinking maybe a variation on the mittens on a string approach, but haven't quite ironed out the details. Any suggestions are welcome.


Anonymous said...

Hi K:

Wal-Mart sells a brand of socks called Ragscals, which have a tighter opening than most socks. My kids could never take them off....OK, so D got one off in the car yesterday, but I think they are starting to stretch out a bit after much use from both kids.

As for shoes, despite my daycare's preference, I bought lace-up shoes for T until he was over 2. Tie them in a double-knot and it is even harder to take them off. For convenience, I bought D a velcro pair and they are never on his feet when we get out of the car!!!

Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. Hope to see you soon!!


Anonymous said...

I could see the mitten string idea working! You'd just run it through the pant legs, up one leg and down the other.


Anonymous said...

Take it from THE authority on all things related to child-rearing (and you will thank me for this one): duct tape works best. Those little shoes and sox will stay on, no problem.

With love
Auntie 'm

K said...

hehe. Yeah, duct tape might be the best bet.

LB -- yeah the string through the pant legs is not the problem. It's how to attach them to the shoes. None of the shoes we own have shoelaces, so no holes.

Actually, I'm going to try the robeez again. When we first got back from China I put Robeez on the two of them and they got them off, but their feet may have grown a bit and so they might be a tighter fit now. We'll see.

Anonymous said...

Just let them walk outside barefeet a few times and once you've thawed out their tootsies a few times, they'll get the point.

Kidding,,,,,,sorry no advice here. Both my babes kept them on (except in the car).

MJ :o)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, no advice from me (other than, do you think their feet might be hot?).

Just wanted to add some "triumphs" of our own... we are now up to 10 nights that T has slept the whole night in her own bed (that's 4 more in the last 2 weeks!)!!!

And she's been falling asleep on her own quite regularly for the past 2 weeks also. (Of course, I'm all of about 10 feet away, sitting in the chair outside her room reading... but still, I'm not right beside her and she can't see me.)


Anonymous said...

Hi K & C,

I never bothered with shoes. As for socks, try my mitten strategy - buy all the same socks and carry spares in your purse. When one goes missing, just pull out a new, perfect match. It helps if you go for basic, inexpensive socks.

On another front, I do in fact have the girls' sweater finished!! Complete with buttons. I need to get it to you before the warm weather arrives and they have no chance to wear it! Any word on the next S&B?


K said...

Hi all,

Congrats Q! Sounds like you're making real progress on the sleep issues. Good for you. We, on the other hand, seem to be going backwards. :-) The girls have slept through the night quite a few times, but this week their sleeping is all out of wack. Last night I was up 6 times. Although, at least last night each time they woke up they went back to sleep pretty quickly. Unlike the two nights before when they were awake for 2.75 hours and 1.5 hours respectively! Not crying, not hungry, diaper fine. And willing to lay still in cribs. Just wide awake, and crying as soon as I left their sides. Aarrgh. Well, I'm cutting A some slack since she's sick. Hopefully we'll be back to sleeping well again soon.

The Robeez have worked! For the last few days I've put them on their feet in the morning, and they're still on at night! Yeah.

CB -- I haven't heard anything about the next S&B. Do you remember, did I offer to host the next one? I have no idea if it is my turn, but I'm thinking it must be soon. Maybe I'll send out a note later today. If I host it though, it won't be until after Oct 27th, because we're getting our carpet cleaned that day and I'm too embarrassed by its current state to have people in. Of course now I have the handy excuse of twins to blame every spot on. Yeah, that coffee stain.... E's fault. And the cat hair... yup, A's fault. Oh no, wait, I can blame that cat for that. Huh, turns out nothing is my fault. :-)