Friday, August 21, 2009

The storm before the calm?

Oh man, what a night. I spoke too soon yesterday when I said things were going pretty well. I guess I should have known. Things are always worse at night. Last night E was up, screaming, every couple of hours. And it often took almost an hour to get her calmed down enough to go back to sleep. It was rough. She really, really, didn't want to drink anything. And in fact, refused even to swallow her own spit. I'm hoping for a big improvement today, or we just might end up back at the hospital. She's going to be dehydrated soon, if we don't get some liquid into her.

A woke up only once, and I don't think it was because of her throat. She just slept a fair amount during the day yesterday, and she wasn't really that tired. She wanted to play.

E's still asleep right now, so I don't know how she'll be yet this morning, but I suspect that after a few hours of not swallowing she won't particularly want to take it up again. It's going to be a battle.

A is wide awake, acting like her normal self. Our biggest trouble with A right now is trying to get her to not run and jump around. The girls are not supposed to run or jump, or do anything really active, for two weeks. How do you convince a four year-old, who runs everywhere, not to run?


Samantha said...

Oh the poor dear sweetie!

I have been reading back through your blog, your children are ADORABLE.

MC said...

Oh no! Things were sounding so good yesterday... I hope today gets better for poor E. Can she have some popsicles or freezies or something like that to make rehydration more fun? I seem to remember my sister consuming enormous amounts of ice-cream when she had her tonsils out (but she was quite a bit older than A&E at the time).

Sending a pile of positive vibes your way!


Anonymous said...

Would those pedialite pops help at all? They are like popsicles/freezies, but are meant to replenish liquids.


Cathy said...

O-k, if I were you, I would go straight back to the hospital and ask for E to have the real experimental drug - forget the placebo thing. You clearly have enough evidence to argue that it works wonderfully and you don't want to participate in the trial anymore.

On another front....guess this means you won't be going to Christene's?

Hope things settle down for E. Where is B in all this?


jag said...

Thanks for the updates... I was thinking of you guys yesterday. I was 4 when I had my tonsils out. All I remember is ice cream, and the fact that I forgot my favourite doll at the hospital. Good-bye Dolly.

I'll keep sending good vibes your way! Hang in there... xox