Monday, August 24, 2009

Quick update

Hi all,

Erin is home. She ended up staying in hospital from Friday to Sunday. She's on antibiotics now, and had a steroid dose in the hospital; which seems to have worked wonders on her. She now is acting completely well. Much like Alex was until her experimental drug treatments ended. We only had to give the kids the experimental drug/placebo for two days following their surgeries. Alex is now not doing very well. It seems like all I do all day is beg, plead or fight with her about drinking more. She's pretty sore.

All I can say is that if she ends up going into the hospital because of dehydration, DoT will be the one accompanying her. I can't face another night in there.

I hope this ends soon. I'm reaching the end of my rope. :-)

On other happier news, yesterday we went to a reunion of the families that travelled to China at the same time as we did to get the girls. It was a really great time. I so enjoyed catching up with the people who were there. The only problem was that the day went by far too quickly. Well, that and the fact that the girls just had their tonsils out so weren't feeling too great and couldn't really participate much.

I'll try to post some pictures from the day when I get a chance.

That's it for now.


1 comment:

MC said...

:) Yay for everyone being back at home. :( Boo for the not feeling well part and having to fight to get the liquids in part. Sending tons of "drink lots" vibes!