Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Great Wall

AARRRGGGHH, f#(!%ing Microsoft. I just typed out a great blog -- it was amazing, articulate, even enlightening. And then Internet Explorer exploded on me and I lost it all. I'll never be able to re-create it, so I'm not even going to try. You'll just get a short, to-the-point recounting of our day, instead.

So, today we went to the Great Wall. We stopped at a jade factory on the way. They had a lot of beautiful stuff, but we didn't buy too much. I'm not a huge fan of jade, and much of what I did really like was out of my price range. Like the carved, jade ship shown in the photo on the left.

We did buy a couple of bracelets though for the girls when they get a bit older.

After the jade factory we hit the Wall. DoT and I had brought along a snuggly and a hip carrier that was loaned to us by a friend (thanks MJ!). So we set off on the Wall. We didn't go too far though because the steps were a bit treacherous and in places there were no hand rails. The steps are really steep in places. And none of them are the same height. Some are around 8 inches high and then others are more like 18 inches high. Many of them have slopes to them, and with today's rain they were a bit slippery. I was afraid one of us was going to take a nose dive down the stairs, so we didn't go up the really steep sections.

Here's a picture of the four of us at the place where we basically stopped and turned around.
The rest of the photos I took didn't turn out all that well because it was really foggy. This next photo is about the only one that's worth posting. Too bad. The photo doesn't do it justice.

On the way home from the Great Wall we stopped and had lunch at a restaurant where we could experience typical Chinese food. It was very good. At least what I got of it. It seems that at meal times I'm not really getting to eat all that much, since I'm too busy trying to get two one year-olds to eat. And then by the time they're finished we need to leave to catch the bus again.

There was a store at the same location as the restaurant and DoT and I bought a beautiful silk wall hanging.

Tomorrow is the day for the medical checks. Last night E and A did not have a good night (again). So we are very tired. Hopefully they will sleep well tonight. Otherwise when we see the doctor tomorrow I may be asking for some tranquilizers for the girls. Just kidding (sort of).

Well, that's it for tonight. Again, I wish you could have read my original post. Oh well, you'll just have to believe me when I say it was a thing of beauty.

No comments on the comments tonight. Too tired. Thanks for commenting, though. I'll try to respond tomorrow. Night, all.


Anonymous said...

Hi! I know just what you mean re the Microsoft stuff! I have sent you several (incredibly witty and amusing) comments and they never show up. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong - undoubtedly something very basic that my fuddled old brain (partially the product of extended child-rearing I might add) doesn't register. You also have to wonder why I keep trying....another brain issue, no doubt...the same reason you think children will stop doing things after you tell them "no" a hundred times.

Anyway, like everyone else, I am thoroughly enjoying your blog and endlessly impressed that you are able to keep it up, given the sleep deprivation, heat, etc., etc.

The girls look wonderful. You guys look pretty good too! And I agree with an earlier comment that warned you to expect similar treatment (oooing and ahhhing and touching) when you get home. Can't wait to see you all.

I'm going to try to post this now...

Cathy B.

Anonymous said...

Looking good you 4!
Rememeber, they love singing and rocking to sleep - C - try a little Stan never know!


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say hi. The girls are absolutely beautiful!!! It has been great to follow your journey. In news from home...Julia started walking last weekend. (That is from not being able to sit up when we got her 11 weeks ago.) She is also up to 20 lbs.. from 16.. and is eating most things. (She was only on formula and cereal when we got her and also would not eat congee.) Try steamed egg.. the kids seem to love it. It will all come together faster than you imagine.. so don't dispair - just try to sleep whenever you can. I got a pool that the three will fit in perfectly and Julia would love company in the playroom . We can't wait to see you all!!! D&B

jag said...

Hi guys:
Loving the pictures... You two look like naturals with the girls! Thanks again for your posts - they're all masterpieces to us. :-)
PAX, J.& B.
p.s. Here's to the one (post) that got away...

Anonymous said...

Hi! I finally got a chance to read the blog (LB was giving me updates at work). The girls are adorable. I'm amazed that you're able to keep this blog going along with everything else - so thanks for thinking of us.


Anonymous said...

Hi C and K and E and A!
Thanks for all of the news - We're amazed that you have found the time to keep us all in the loop! You seem to be holding up despite the challenges of parenting 2 one-year-olds (beautiful girls)! I'm sure thoughts of the upcoming relaxing cottage days are keeping you going. I'm sorry to say that we won't be able to be at the airport as we had hoped - looking forward to seeing you in the first week of August (when there will be a few of us clamouring to help out I'm sure!)

Cheers x 4!

C and P

Anonymous said...

Ah! The Great Wall... I remember it well. The four of us managed to get to the first "guard-house" and then turned around. Dad was "managing" T (it was all I could do to manage those uneven steps) - she walked almost all the way up and all the way down on her own, learning her vowels in the process. I have some cute footage of her going down chanting "A, E, I, O, U...". This because I had told Dad her speech was mostly composed of vowels, owing to the clefting. Boy, you'd never believe it the way she talks now...

You look great in the photos, despite sleep deprivation and all! The days at the cottage are just around the corner... no more paperwork (for now), no more getting on buses to go sight-seeing, no more hotel rooms...

Look forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks.

Q (T's Mom)

Anonymous said...

Bonjour again Chris & wife.
Your trip is so much like ours it's incredible. I can feel your emotions while reading your blog...

I know exactly what your mean when you mentioned that you do not want the attention of the crowd around you anymore. One day I was walking by myself with Tatiana in an open market, which sold mostly meat. I was surrounded by a crowd of people and a men even took Tatiana out of her stroller to show her to everyone. It happened so fast that I did not have time to react. Even if it was done with no bad intentions, I was shacking going back to the hotel thinking that my child could have been stolen from me in a matter of seconds.

A suggestion for the airport when you departure, something we did that worked great, let the men take care of the tickets/luggage arrangement. Meanwhile, the women and the kids form a circle, putting strollers in the middle. That way the Chinese people around you will not come near.
Another thing I experienced, I found that if you do not make eye contact with them they are quit respectful of your privacy.

The great wall, what an experience. You have to walk on it to fell it. That is all I can say.

I do not want to scare you but the jet lag on your return trip is not an easy thing to live.
Couple of suggestions:
1. Ask your family and friends to wait 3-4 days before they come to visit you at home. Hopefully they will all be waiting at the airport on your arrival so they will have the time to welcome you and see/kiss the girls. Then, 3-4 days without visitors really helps to recuperate a bit. I know it's a hard thing to ask them but it's really worth it.
2. What I really appreciated was that my aunt did a small grocery shopping just before we arrived. Fresh milk, bread, cold cuts, fruits, etc. And she prepared a big casserole of tomato meat macaroni which we ate for 2 days in a row without getting tired of it. It was the best meal we had in 2 weeks. So my suggestion is to ask some family members and friends to each prepare a different casserole for you so you do not have to cook for a couple of days. I assure you that you will be grateful to them for the rest of your life. That is the best return present anyone can offer you.
3. Rest, Rest and Rest. Beside taking care of the kids and trying to get organized around the house/meals, try not to do much for the first week. Concentrate on organising a routine for you and the girls.

Enjoy the rest of your trip to China and I wish you all a beautiful return home.
Keep writing, it's so much fun living your trip with you.

Friendship, Chantal Lajoie.